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For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross Postings // Share with this link
October 10 2018
Contact: Armando Carmona, [email protected], 323-250-3018

Pope Francis meets with Children of TPS-holders, Seeking Support for Migrant Families

Ahead of Sunday Canonization of Monseñor Romero, Salvadoran Children Pray for Help Defending Migrant Families

Vatican City, Rome –  The #TPSJourney4Justice made a historic stop in the Vatican today, as children in families targeted by President Trump’s unconstitutional plan to de-document TPS-holders met directly with Pope Francis and prayed for his support.

Photos are available here.

This week, 19 delegates of the National TPS Alliance including 11 US born children of TPS holders travelled to Vatican City to witness the canonization of Monseñor Romero – known for his revolutionary advocacy of the most vulnerable – and to seek the spiritual and political support from Pope Francis in the call for permanent residency and political equality for the more than 300,000 TPS holders living in the United States. After the emergence of a national campaign to Protect TPS families, a delegation of youth and their families were invited to participate in the general audience in witness of the Canonization of Monseñor Romero.

Additionally, the delegation has submitted a letter directed to Pope Francis which directly asks the pope to draw from spirit of Monseñor Romero and “intercede for our families” and “become the voice for our families which are suffering” in asking the President of the United States to extend TPS and to call for a permanent solution for the migratory status of more than 200,000 followers of Salvadorans origins.

Upon receiving the letter, Pope Francis responded: “To migrate is a human right, nobody can prevent it”

Angela Sanbrano, co-director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network said, “Monseñor Romero’s revolutionary spirit lives on in the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who carry on his legacy and draw from the courage of their day-to-day struggles to fight for dignity. We are in Rome to continue Romero’s legacy and seek the spiritual guidance from Pope Francis for the TPS families”

Crista Ramos, plaintiff in the TPS Lawsuit & daughter of TPS holders said:
“Learning about the sacrifice of Saint Monseñor Romero and his lifelong dedication to speaking for the most vulnerable fills my heart with joy and courage. It’s an honor and a privilege to learn about my history and to carry on the legacy as I fight to keep my family together”

Alessandra Granados, daughter of TPS holders from Nevada said:
“Our families deserve dignity and justice. We hope Pope Francis listens to our plea and shares his wisdom. Growing up catholic I have learned that one must have true faith and hope as we confront the obstacles in our lives. But the lessons of Monseñor Romero remind me that faith must be followed by action, and hope must be driven by our convictions”


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