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For Immediate Release:
November 5, 2020

Media Contact: 

Erik Villalobos, (516) 660-4508, [email protected]


Nationwide Bus Tour to Uplift Demands of TPS Holders Arrives in Hartford on its first stop After Election Day



Hartford, CT-  On November 5, TPS families held a press conference to welcome the famous bus known as “La Libertad” in Hartford, CT, on its first stop after Election Day, on the “Road to Justice,” nationwide bus tour led by TPS holders in response to the ninth circuit court of appeals  decision on  Ramos v. Nielsen lawsuits. 

The “Road to Justice,” bus tour in response to the ninth circuit court of appeals decision on  Ramos v. Nielsen lawsuits, has been travelling the country, recently hosting events in Maine and the Massachusetts area. The event in Hartford was the first post Election Day event, focused on continuing to build the TPS holder led committee and calling on every vote to be counted during this election cycle.

Since September 13, the bus known as “La Libertad” has been travelling across the country to demand permanent residency to all TPS beneficiaries, to educate people about Covid-19’s impact in immigrant communities and motivate all voters, especially those in the immigrant community to come out and vote. 


TPS Holders made the following statements:


You probably have not seen much of this in the news, but countries such as Honduras; where my mother is from, and other countries in Central America have been devastated by a hurricane. These are TPS countries. As we demand to make sure we ‘Count Every Vote!’, we would also like to send our solidarity back to our families in our native lands.”Nazareth Jimenez Garcia, Daughter of Honduran TPS Holder from Las Vegas, Nevada

“We are still expecting the results of this election but regardless of whatever happens, we hope you will continue to fight alongside us. If we have achieved anything in the last 4 years of this administration, it was made possible by our collective power. We need more TPS holders and allies; now more than ever. Don’t think that the job is done if Biden wins. We will have to put pressure on any of the candidates. This is how we gain a permanent residency”Jose Molina, Salvadoran TPS Holder from Omaha, Nebraska

“I have had TPS for 20 years. This was a status that was a solution for me when I arrived in this country in 2000. It allowed me to go to high school when I was 15, have a good job, and eventually a car and a house. These have been fruits of our contributions in this country. We want a solution; we deserve a permanent residency!”Juan Pablo Veras Martinez, Salvadoran TPS Holder, member of the Connecticut TPS committee


The National TPS Alliance is a grassroots organization advocating for the permanent residency of beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status from the countries of El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Nepal, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Yemen


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