Jose Molina, 49 years old. He is a TPS holder from El Salvador that currently lives in Omaha, Nebraska, he has lived in the United States for about 18 years. He worked in the meat-packing industry for over 15 years.
“I am joining the Journey for Justice because for 18 years we have had legal status, we have followed all the rules and have built our lives here. We are now fighting for permanent residency to bring peace of mind to our homes and for our lives. We want to be able to work and not be succumbed to the shadows; we refuse to live in fear. For years, I’ve been trying to find a way to normalize my status and seek permanent residency, however there is not pathway with TPS. TPS has helped us a great deal, however, after nearly 20 years here we want to find a peace of mind. We are not asking for residency, I know that we have earned it through our contributions, I along with TPS holders from across the country have contributed a great deal.”