About the National TPS Alliance
What is the National TPS Alliance?
The National TPS Alliance is formed and led by TPS beneficiaries from across the United States, combining advocacy efforts at a national level to save Temporary Protected Status for all beneficiaries in the short term and to devise legislation that creates a path to permanent residency in the long term.
What is TPS and why does it matter?
The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program provides lawful immigration status and work authorization to migrants who cannot return to their countries of origin due to war or other disasters.
Congress created TPS in 1990 to provide a clear process for granting humanitarian protection to immigrants from covered countries. Today, thirteen countries (Afghanistan, Burma (Myanmar), Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Lebanon, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen) are designated for TPS, and more than one million immigrants receive protection from the program.
Why should I join or support the NTPSA?
The National TPS Alliance is a member-led organization. Our mission is to defend the Temporary Protected Status program and win a path to permanent residency for TPS holders. NTPSA members make up a community of TPS holders and allies; together, we organize and advocate to call attention to the contributions TPS holders make to this country and build support for the TPS program. NTPSA members also receive access to timely, accurate information about TPS.
Membership in the NTPSA is free and voluntary. NTPSA welcomes members who have TPS, as well as family and allies of TPS holders. Please note that NTPSA does not accept membership applications from persons under 14 years of age. However, if you are an NTPSA member, your membership extends to your children under 14 years of age who have TPS.
You can become a member either by participating in a local NTPSA committee or by submitting an individual membership application.
What's the most urgent update right now?
The TPS program is under attack. The Trump Administration has made clear its intent to revoke TPS protections–regardless of whether it is safe for TPS holders to return to countries experiencing war and other disasters, and regardless of whether it is fair to uproot TPS holders from lives, homes, and families built while living and working lawfully in the United States.
So far, the Trump Administration has announced the termination of TPS for approximately 350,000 Venezuelans who initially registered for TPS under the country’s 2023 designation.
The Department of Homeland Security must make a decision at least 60 days prior to the end date of a country’s TPS designation whether to extend or terminate the designation. Click here for country designation dates.
How can I take action?
Join the NTPSA! Membership in the NTPSA is free and voluntary. NTPSA welcomes members who have TPS, as well as family and allies of TPS holders. Please note that NTPSA does not accept membership applications from persons under 14 years of age. However, if you are an NTPSA member, your membership extends to your children under 14 years of age who have TPS.
You can become a member either by participating in a local NTPSA committee or by submitting an individual membership application.
Where can I find press releases and reports?
The NTPSA and its allies regularly publish press releases with our latest calls to action and reports with information relevant to the TPS community.
How can I stay updated?
You can stay up to date by following NTPSA on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.
NTPSA members also receive regular updates about the TPS program and NTPSA’s work.
You can become an NTPSA member either by participating in a local NTPSA committee or by submitting an individual membership application.