April 15th, 2019
Contact: Viridiana Vidal, (702) 206-2110//[email protected]; Armando Carmona, 323-250-3018, [email protected]
“We Paid Our Dues”: TPS/DED Holders Around the Nation are Releasing Their Tax Contributions to Highlight the Billions of Dollars Contributed to The US Economy
Elected Officials & Policy Experts will join TPS/DED beneficiaries around the nation in calling Congress to find a bipartisan solution to stop the separation of families.
Nationwide- On Tax Day, TPS/DED migrant families across the U.S. are releasing their tax contributions to highlight the $4.6 Billion in taxes paid by TPS/DED communities nationwide and demand a bipartisan solution that ensures their dignity and permanent status in the United States.
According to new data released by the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration CSII, TPS/DED beneficiaries contribute billions of dollars. This new, shows that If TPS and DED beneficiaries leave the US, the economy will lose $35.2 billion via GDP. To see the full report from the University of Southern California that also includes taxes paid per state, mortgage payments, rent, and other contributions you can visit
“Friends, we are not here asking for charity. TPS and DED families have already and will continue to contribute to this country — and this tax day, we can show you the receipts. We contribute billions in tax dollars that help pay for roads, schools, and yes, even government salaries. We have paid our taxes for years, even decades. We are already a permanent part of this community, and it is time for Congress to recognize it,” said Jose Palma, National TPS Alliance Coordinator.
“The impacts of a permanent solution would extend past TPS and DED recipients themselves and benefit the 1.3 million individuals living in households with a TPS family member. These households contribute approximately $32.5 billion to the national GDP, and more than $4.6 billion in federal and state taxes on nearly $18 billion of their household incomes. The positives of permanent status would go beyond immediate families to benefit employers, lenders and landlords, and the overall economy,“ says USC Professor Manuel Pastor, co-author of the research brief and director of the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration.
TPS workers have the same fiscal responsibilities as any other worker, contributing billions in taxes. However, TPS and DED families don’t have access to social security, nor retirement. Instead, the Trump administration has sought to strip them of their legal status and separate these families, impacting a quarter of a million U.S. citizen children.
Across the country many state and federal officials will join the National TPS Alliance on Tax Day, to amplify the voices of TPS beneficiaries and demand a bipartisan solution for families that have paid their dues for decades.
For more info visit the website:
The National TPS Alliance is formed and led by TPS beneficiaries from across the United States, combining organizing and advocacy efforts at a national level to save Temporary Protected Status for all beneficiaries in the short term and to devise legislation that creates a path to permanent residency in the long term.